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William Wordsworth Poems Selected by Seamus Heaney

Table of Contents Essay 1: ‘Moral lessons are at the heart of Wordsworth’s poems.’ Discuss Essay 2: ‘Wordsworth’s poetry suggests that humans can never conquer the natural world.’ To what extent do you agree? Essay 3: “The world is too much with us; late and soon, / Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers:...


The False Claims of Colonial Thieves

False Claims quotes bank Name of poem Quote Integration Undermining “We try to find our way through the world avoiding reactors. Terms of trade are weapon grade.” JK JK portrays that colonisers are publicising their effort on “avoiding reactors” on one hand, yet conducting “weapon grade” trades on the other hand. Thus, he rebuts the...


Oedipus the King

Table of Contents Tiresias says to Oedipus, “Creon is not your downfall, no, you are your own.” What is the extent of Oedipus’ guilt in his own downfall? “Oedipus the King demonstrates that the quest for truth only leads to self-destruction.” Discuss. What does the play have to say about fate and free will? “The...


Rainbow’s End

Table of Contents Evidence Bank Essay 1: How does Rainbow’s End explore ideas about the “other”? Essay 2: “A real home is where there are people looking out for each other.” How does Rainbow’s End reveal the importance of home? Essay 3: “The dream sequences in Rainbow’s End are the characters’ only escape from the...


12 Angry Men

Table of Contents Sample Essay 1 Sample Essay 2 Sample Essay 3 Sample Essay 4 Sample Essay 5 Sample Essay 6 Sample Essay 7 Sample Essay 8 Sample Essay 1: DOUBT VS CERTAINTY It is human nature to act on emotionality rather than rationality. The dramatic play, Twelve Angry Men, by Reginald Rose, depicts a...



Table of Contents Introduction A List of Important Quote Analysis of the Theme Techniques and Metalanguage Analysis of the Character Sample Essay 1 Sample Essay 2 Sample Essay 3 Sample Essay 4 Sample Essay 5 Sample Essay 6 Sample Essay 7 Sample Essay 8 Sample Essay 9 Sample Essay 10 INTRODUCTION Few works of English...


The Women of Troy

Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ANALYSIS OF THE QUOTES ANALYSIS OF THE THEME ANALYSIS OF THE CHARACTERS Essay 1 : ’The Women of Troy shows a world without justice.’ To what extent do you agree? Essay 2 : ’My children, a blasted mind never sleeps. / I came out here at dawn. But there’s no relief.’...


Black Diggers

Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ANALYSIS OF THEME ANALYSIS OF THE CHARACTERS IMPORTANT QUOTES Essay 1 : “That’s the thing, the bits left behind, they’ll come out, they must.” How does the text show that memory is inescapable? Essay 2 : “For Indigenous Australians, the return home was more painful than their experiences on the battlefront.”...


Photograph 51

Table of Contents SYNOPSIS QUOTE ANALYSIS Character Notes Essay 1 : ‘Photograph 51 criticises single-minded ambition as shallow and destructive.’ To what extent do you agree? Essay 2 : ‘In Photograph 51, Anna Ziegler reveals the central importance of collaboration to major scientific achievements.’ Discuss. Essay 3 : “She simply didn’t stand out, I suppose.”...


The Crucible

Table of Contents Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 Act 4 Sample Essay 1 Sample Essay 2 Sample Essay 3 Sample Essay 4 Act 1 The panic, madness, hysteria, and mystery all begins here Act 1 foreshadows the key areas of conflict in The Crucible, giving readers and audience members alike a taste of the...

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